Sunday, September 28, 2008

Trippy Is As Trippy Does...

It's not always drinking and dancing here (that was last night), don't forget we enjoy other forms of art and creativity as well. I love posting music, but today I decided to talk about movies. While I enjoy most genres (ugh, please kill me now for using that word)I do love camp. A while back, I stumbled upon a film called Skidoo and once I saw the cast, I knew I had to watch. Admittedly, I do not handle psychedelics well at all. It's a bit like when I was in high school and ate a handful of Dramamine and tried driving only to watch the hood of my car start flexing. I pulled over and sat in there for hours with friends just whispering deranged thoughts and smoking, swearing we saw someone get murdered in a window of the house we were sitting in front of, so we left the car and ran into some bushes to hide. This movie is so trippy and the bonus is that I didn't feel like shit afterwards or sit in front of an aquarium crying and screaming for eight hours for reasons unknown to humans, plants, or animals. The film stars an arsenal of stars from yesteryear including Jackie Gleason, Carol Channing, and Groucho Marx as God. Need I say more? Enjoy the trailer with Timothy Leary and Sammy Davis Jr.:

Another movie I'm quite fond of is Smithereens. The film follows a girl who is trying to make her way in New York's East Village in the early 80's. The soundtrack is off the hook, like seriously it's not everyday you hear The Feelies and Singers & Players in a film. The double stuff in this Oreo, is that it stars Richard Hell!

I'm feeling all kids of groovy from the Skidoo, so how about some music from Smithereens?

Devious Woman -Singers & Players

The Boy With The Perpetual Nervousness - The Feelies


B.Easterling said...

Woo Hoo "Skidoo"!!! Love that film (what a wreck eh?) And I am also rather fond of The Feelies.

Thanks for both goodies!

The Cleavers

Kaye Telle said...

Sammy Carol and Groucho - I'm in and almost ashamed I have yet to see it. I liked the music in Smithereens,and I wanted to like her, but I really wanted to smash her face in.... I'm kooky like that.