Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In the beginning.....

So, what does a baby that smells like hot garbage do? What does it like to listen too? Does it like art or the finer things in life? What would a baby that smells like hot garbage do in the heat of street fight?

We will fill all you lovely people that care to check us out know these fine facts of life in the up coming days. Give us a minute to get our bearing straight. We hope to bring you the music that turns us on, art that we dig, people on the street we dig, food we love, movies that turn us on, favorite cocktails, and much more. Hang in there Sloopy, we're coming!

Here's something to kick us off....

We love this guy......

His message is better though.


And how about some music we dig?

Love, love love these songs!
Two Lone Swordsmen-Sex Beat
Two Lone Swordsmen did this remake of a classic Gun Club song.....awesome!
Gary Numan-Stormtrooper in Drag
Gary Numan hits the mark for loner nights on the prowl. Hot garbage indeed!


Brian David Braun said...

That statue really looks like something from the halls of SCPA

your baby smells like hot garbage said...

Oh see, you remember Cin-city relics.