Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Bee's Knees

Ah Sunday, which means I am hungover. I went to a bangin' bash last night, but only danced to a few songs because I am lame and got way too intoxicated for life. Today, I shall keep it chill.

This song and the video were swimming in my mind as I was driving earlier:

New Order - Confusion

Röyksopp - Miss It So Much feat. Lykke Li

Sneaker Pimps - Curl

Oh hell yes! I am posting this INXS song because I am wearing a KICK t-shirt and this album was massive and fills me with nostalgia. I'm positively gagging on it, haha!

INXS - Never Tear Us Apart

I am always drawn to interesting art, so it's not surprise that I like the work of Gregory Jacobsen. I can see some prude finding the paintings twisted and/or morbid, but I find them quite beautiful. The details keep me going back for another case I missed some important piece to the visual.
Gregory Jacobsen - Strangled Dehydrated Apricot Head
with Pastry Attached


Peter Doherty will be releasing his solo album 'Grace/Wastelands' in the next few weeks. I am really enjoying the first single ‘Last of The English Roses’, so I have high hopes for the album.

Peter Doherty - Last Of The English Roses

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