Wired Magazine is one of my all time favorite magazines and when I found out that they had a daily zine/ blog set-up, I freaked out. I check this site more like 5 times a day for up to date news on the world and cool shit. This sight is addicting for sure.
For my music news on album releases, tours or events in the music world, I turn to Pitchfork Media.They are on top of their shit and have people feeding them news insights like 24hours a day.When someone in the music world dies-they know it first. When a tour is announced-they know it first.Get my drift? Check 'em out.
This site is for the men out there.The Art Of Manliness- a site dedicated to teaching men all the shit your fathers and grandfathers should have. Everything from how to shave with a straight razor to what kind of hat fits your face.When I found this site, I wasn't so pissed at my dad for not telling me stuff like this while I was growing up.Thanks Art of Manliness, you are my father figure now.
I love Kitsune Noir! A guy named Bobby runs it and he's based out of L.A. He has good taste in art, fashion, music, etc. and likes to share the wealth of knowledge as well.He makes some good mix-tape style downloads as well. Take a journey into his world for a bit.
I dig F-F-F-Found. This is a picture hunters dream come true. Anybody can add there, but it seems to be pics and art of the weird and cool. I use this site for inspiration when I'm feeling dry.
Drawn! is a site that is for any of you art lovers out there that are into animation, cartoons, illustrators, or doodlers. It has the best write ups on illustrators and animators and they post video clips too which helps put a picture to the face. I spend hours here when I want to be entertained.
Last but not least is Burda Style. Some of you might know of this site already, but I just got into the idea of making my own stuff and this site rocked my world. This is a sweet sewing site that has patterns, tutorials, and tips of the trade. I learned what seemed like 5 years worth of shit in one day just watching their how-to s and reading other peoples comments and concept ideas.Way cool.Go make something and drop the man and what he's selling.
If anybody has cool sites that they visit let us know! It's basically the newspaper of today and the more you know the more fun it is to read. Whoot! whoot!
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